Save Oldham Coliseum

Oldham's Coliseum theatre is like no other. But now its going dark.

Will you write to the North Area board of Arts Council England and ask them to fix things before its too late?

It's one of England's oldest running theatres, and a place that still produces local culture by, with and for its community.

But Arts Council England's 100% defunding of the theatre means performers and creative workers depending on contracts with Oldham this year have been left in limbo.

Will you write to Arts Council England’s North Area board members today to demand they rethink this decision?

Professionally made, professionally paid work in Northern towns is harder and harder to come by as the cost of living crisis bites.

Which is why the Art's Council's decision to cut 100% of Oldham's public funding is so wrong.

We're asking Arts Council England’s North area board members to bring this issue to their next Council meeting, and challenge Arts Council management to find a funding solution that keeps Oldham's lights on, and creative workers properly paid.

Send a message to these board members today using our email template, and make sure they know Equity won't let this go without a fight.

Edit the template to make it personal to you, but make sure to include the demand that they raise this at the next board meeting, and include the specific questions we've put in the template!

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